
Author ORCID Identifier

Jong-Gwan Kim 0000-0002-2131-1946


Subsidence and vertical movements in mines are a challenge in mining operations. To qualify as a controlled mine site, ground movements must be measured regularly during mining operations. Boleo Copper District mine was monitored and the movement during mining operations was measured from Oct. 31, 2018 to March 15, 2019. The evaluation of vertical and horizontal movement was determined in four locations in the mine areas M303, M303S, M303 C, and M305. The exploitation area, which measured approximately 80 x 90 m2 with a height of 2.4 m, impacted the surface in the form of cracks. These cracks were observed on the topographic surveys and varied during the mining operations from the beginning to the end. The final results indicated that the points with the greatest displacement were those in the central zone of the mine excavation (points #3, 5, and 6) and the displacement trend of the ground was toward this zone. In theory, the subsidence is typically lesser than the thickness of the extracted ore. In this case, the maximum subsidence was 1.15 m and the ore seam thickness was 2.4 m. The maximum possible subsidence is typically 55-65% of the extracted seam thickness; however, because chain pillars are generally left in place, and provide some support, this maximum possible subsidence is rarely reached. In this case, the maximum subsidence was 52% of the seam thickness.

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