
Author ORCID Identifier

Janine Figueiredo: 0000-0003-1396-7889

Vidal Torres: 0000-0002-4262-0916

Rodolfo Cruz: 0000-0001-7890-6433

Douglas Moreira: 0000-0003-4208-9800


The evolution of the mineral economy requires greater technological developments to find a better use of resources and reserves through the relationships between the characteristics of the rocks and the need to enable the entire mining enterprise. This study focuses on the development of new rock blasting technologies that result in a more optimized fragmentation according to the lithology in the feed of the primary crusher. This methodology is known as Mine to Crusher, through which it becomes possible to minimize costs in the future prospecting of the mine and maximize productivity. For this methodology to be developed, it was necessary to implement the Mine to Crusher model. Through this project, the key performance indicators (KPIs), such as average productivity, availability and utilization of the equipment, and a nominal capacity observed in the crushing circuit, were analyzed. Furthermore, by observing the results, it became possible to evaluate the KPIs must be adjusted for better equipment performance and better development and planning of the mining project. Through this project, it was possible to carry out a probabilistic analysis of the project's KPIs using a Monte Carlo simulation. At the end of the work, it became possible to verify the relationship between more compact and less compact lithologies, where there is a difference in results depending on the lithology and properties evaluated. At the end of the evaluations, a difference in the penetration rate and productivity between the CI and FI lithologies of 26.99% and 26.78% respectively was verified. It is also possible to verify that when carrying out sensitivity tests for lithologies, friable lithologies require a reduction in a fixed time of 6%, whereas more compact lithologies require an increase of up to 2% in their time.

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