Editor-in-Chief: Professor Adam Smoliński
Journal of Sustainable Mining (ISSN 2300-3960) is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed and open access journal. This journal casts a new light on the wide range of issues surrounding mining that are impacting its sustainability. It brings together wide-ranging approaches, globally, in order to develop a forum for discussion of mining practices, always with an eye towards their impact on sustainability and efficiency. Journal of Sustainable Mining is published quarterly online by Central Mining Institute – National Mining Institute (Główny Instytut Górnictwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, GIG-PIB) and hosted on Digital Commons, an Elsevier platform.
Read MoreCurrent Issue: Volume 24, Issue 2 (2025)
Research Articles
Eco-efficiency and life cycle assessment of the long reach directionally drilled and cross-measure boreholes methane drainage technologies employed in bituminous coal mine on the basis of the pilot scale experimental data
Bartłomiej Jura, Piotr Krawczyk, Anna Śliwińska, Jacek Skiba, Marcin Karbownik, and Natalia Howaniec
A Bayesian network for business uncertainties in coal mining industry
Firman Risqul Fidry, Iwan Vanany, and Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo