Journal of Sustainable Mining | Central Mining Institute

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Adam Smoliński

Journal of Sustainable Mining (ISSN 2300-3960) is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed and open access journal. This journal casts a new light on the wide range of issues surrounding mining that are impacting its sustainability. It brings together wide-ranging approaches, globally, in order to develop a forum for discussion of mining practices, always with an eye towards their impact on sustainability and efficiency. Journal of Sustainable Mining is published quarterly online by Central Mining Institute – National Mining Institute (Główny Instytut Górnictwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, GIG-PIB) and hosted on Digital Commons, an Elsevier platform.

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Current Issue: Volume 24, Issue 3 (2025)

Research Article


Solving a multi-stage mine sequencing model encompassing excavator allocation through Constraint Programming in a bauxite strip mining operation
Jorge Luiz Valença Mariz, Marcel Antonio Arcari Bassani, Rodrigo de Lemos Peroni, Octávio R. A. Guimarães, and Flávio H. Tavares