
Author ORCID Identifier

Nathatai Janjirawatna: 0009-0000-2123-1615

Sirisuhk Rakthin: 0000-0003-0872-5121

Philip Hallinger: 0000-0002-5935-7544


This bibliometric review addressed the lack of consolidated information on the current state of sustainable mining in the ASEAN region. The review analyzed bibliographic data associated with 539 Scopus-indexed documents on sustainable mining in ASEAN nations published through the end of 2022. Descriptive statistics identified a great disparity in the scope of research on sustainable mining practices across the ASEAN countries. Surprisingly, a significant portion of the extant research on sustainable mining in the region has been authored by scholars from outside of ASEAN. Keyword analyses highlighted several emerging research topics including life cycle assessment, conservation of natural resources, climate change, and artisanal and small-scale mining. Findings from the review emphasize the need to develop and implement more comprehensive and standardized frameworks for sustainable mining within ASEAN. The findings also suggest a potential for greater coordination and more focused attention to regional regulations and policies. Several directions for future research are also proposed.

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