
Author ORCID Identifier

Teodora Hristova: 0000-0002-3996-6182


It is established that based on the industrial revolutions towards Industry 5.0, the population of the Earth and its well-being are increasing. To preserve and improve living conditions the development in all spheres of life is by the paradigm of sustainable development. Through the prism of the mining industry, one step could be the introduction of circular economy measures for digitized tracking of materials, repairs, consumed electricity, safety, and finances. Implementing of electric cars is an option to achieve this goal through automation, manageability, and data traceability via Industry 4.0 technologies. Such are blockchain technologies, IoT, V2V, and others. For this purpose, the appropriate types of power supplies for electric vehicles for the mining sector have been identified and information flows have been defined. They are quantity of material, consumed electricity, state of the fleet, charging of batteries and operation of charging stations, and finances. For their implementation, Hyperledger Fabric was chosen as a suitable DLT platform ([1], [2]). Based on Hyperledger Fabric, a conceptual model for tracking material quantities as a step of the circular economy is proposed. A method of communication is shown in the presence of two channels - material and repairs for an electric car.

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