
Analysis of the average fire gas temperature in a mine drift with multiple fires

Author ORCID Identifier

Rickard Hansen 0000-0002-8326-2860


The average fire gas temperature of multiple fires in a mine drift with longitudinal ventilation is investigated. The output of a quasi-steady model is investigated and compared with experimental results from model scale fire experiments. During the analysis it was found that the calculated average fire gas temperature of the model correlates quite well with the measured temperature, except for the period when the fire closest to the measuring point reached a peak of heat release rate. This poor correlation is likely due to flame impingement as the distance to the nearest fire decreases. Uncertainty of the calculations is caused by the fire gas temperature at the site of each individual fire and further studies into the fire growth rate and maximum heat release rates of multiple fires are recommended in order to remedy this uncertainty. When calculating the average fire gas temperature, a key parameter is determined with respect to the smoke spread in a mine drift as well as the risk of fire spread.

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