Author ORCID Identifier
Duc Hung Pham: 0000-0003-4871-4929
Tien Dung Le: 0000-0002-0212-888X
Phi Hung Nguyen: 0000-0003-1575-7957
Van Quan Pham: 0009-0001-0530-3559
The mechanized longwall top-coal caving technology (LTCC) has been used in Quang Ninh underground coal mines owned by Vietnam National Coal – Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (Vinacomin). The application of the LTCC technology has achieved significant achievements, contributing to the production of coal for national economy development. The use of LTCC has shown that the top-coal recovery efficiency is directly affected by the sequence of top coal drawing, ratio of cutting height to caving height, and caving span. These parameters, especially for extracting thick and gently inclined coal seam conditions as in the Quang Ninh coal field, have not been satisfactorily investigated in previous studies, which limits the advantages of this advanced mining technology. By using the numerical software PFC 3.1 as the main analysis tool, this paper studies the relationship between cutting height and caving height for efficient top-coal recovery in extra thick and gently inclined coal seam. Taking the condition of Seam 7, Ha Lam coal mine as a case study, the paper recommends the mine to re-organize its operation with a cutting height-to-caving height ratio of 1:5.25 and caving span of 1.2 m per mining cycle for maximum efficiency of the LTCC operation.
Recommended Citation
Pham, Duc Hung; Le, Tien Dung; Nguyen, Phi Hung; and Pham, Van Quan
"Study on ratio of cutting height to caving height for efficient top-coal recovery in extra thick and gently inclined coal seam – a case study of seam 7 Ha Lam coal mine, Vietnam,"
Journal of Sustainable Mining: Vol. 24
, Article 3.
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