Volume 14, Issue 4 (2015)
Research Articles
Electrohydraulic control systems for powered roof supports in hazardous conditions of mining tremors
Dawid Szurgacz
Study on the possibilities of treatment of combustion by-products from fluidized bed boilers into a product devoid of free calcium oxide
Jacek M. Łączny, Sebastian Iwaszenko, Krzysztof Gogola, Andrzej Bajerski, Tomasz Janoszek, Agnieszka Klupa, and Magdalena Cempa-Balewicz
Testing of mining explosives with regard to the content of carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides in their detonation products
Iwona Zawadzka-Małota
Research of explosives in an environment of high pressure and temperature using a new test stand
Jan Drzewiecki and Jacek Myszkowski
Social potential growth of a mining company on the basis of human capital and occupational safety
Sylwia Jarosławska-Sobór
Forecasting European thermal coal spot prices
Alicja Krzemień, Pedro Riesgo Fernández, Ana Suárez Sánchez, and Fernando Sánchez Lasheras
Measurements of rope elongation or deflection in impact destructive testing
Adam Szade, Mariusz Szot, and Adam Ramowski
Identification of hazards for water environment in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin caused by the discharge of salt mine water containing particularly harmful substances and radionuclides
Jan Bondaruk, Ewa Janson, Małgorzata Wysocka, and Stanisław Chałupnik
Acknowledgments of Reviewers
Editorial Board